Coach Bag Outlet vktx

It seems to me that the politicians of Connecticut want to pull a new tax scam on the overtaxed population again. They try to make you believe that the plastic bags that everything comes in are a trash problem, corrected by adding yet another tax to it, as Coach Bag Outlet if that will correct it.If if passes, it will not only make the working public pay more to use them because the nonworking people on welfare and food stamp programs will be exempted, Coach Bag Outlet making the working public pay for them, too but increase costs at the store level for other food stuffs, so the Coach Bag Outlet stores will be able to defray the cost of more inventory problems, control of bags, accountability and payments to the state. Penny's, so you don't get charged for a Coach Bag Outlet bag? Same plastics, they Coach Bag Outlet all go into landfills, right?Don't you see the madness in this program these corrupt politicians are pulling on us, to gain more money for the general Coach Bag Outlet fund, like they did with the bottle bill? They will exempt certain companies, or contributors to their party, and charge the others.Recall the bottle bill. Do you see a deposit on glass or plastic tea containers, milk bottles, wine bottles, plastic and glass containers of noncarbonated sport drinks? I think not. But you do find these in landfills, and in parks and on the beaches and streets.

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