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Mother of three Donna Grant decided to promote an alternative way to wrap sandwiches after genuine ugg boots on sale uk a family campervan holiday of a lifetime in Australia.The 42 year old met up with friend Rebecca Hurst who had developed the polyester and polyurethane re usable wrappers with velcro as an alternative to tin foil and cling film.Mrs Grant, of St Philip's Road in West Pottergate, decided she could help people to become more green and she is also hoping to make some genuine ugg boots on sale uk money as the UK distributor of Ecosnackwrap for her friend's Australian business."I have been composting for years. I've always tried to shop local and avoid plastic bags but it is very difficult," she said."They are further ahead than us in Australia environmentally. I think it is because of the water situation they have to be more environmentally aware."The former Loddon Primary School teacher said her Australian genuine ugg boots on sale uk friend's children were not allowed to take foil and cling film to school."As a teacher I knew where schools were going. They have to become environmentally friendly."She genuine ugg boots on sale uk said that she is joining up with schools to sell the wraps so that they can make some money for themselves too. Her children take their lunches to school in the wraps and her ex RAF husband, who is an engineer in Hethel, also takes his sandwiches in the eco wraps."For too genuine ugg boots on sale uk long the ease and convenience of cling film and tin foil has led to them being the most popular options," said Mrs Grant.She said she was concerned about the quantity of disposable materials being thrown away and contributing to the ever increasing landfill problems, while alternative plastic containers were not satisfactory. "We constantly had divorces between lids and genuine ugg boots on sale uk bottoms and sometimes the children couldn't even open them," she said.

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