Unlike other, slightly less terrorist based Christmas movies, in Die Hard having faith let's you bungee jump through explosions on a fire hose, hurl office chairs that detonate with the force of an atomic bomb, and hang Germans with lengths of industrial chain. Unless there's a deleted scene in Miracle where Susan Walker parachutes through an inferno on the American Flag, DieHard's faith makes all other faiths look like pussies.So when it comes time to choose that Christmas classic for the family to gather'round this year, take your lessons from John McClane and make it Die Hard. If you run into any resistance, simply strip down to a tank top, accuse everybody present of copulating with their mothers, and shoot somebody two dozen times in the groin.The single most pointless class I ever took in high school was economics. What should have been Adult Orientation 101 turned out to be nothing more than how to balance a checkbook and .

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