
Yes, the particularly lazy among us are turning to the Thundershirt, perhaps the most passive manner of pet anxiety control this side of blatantly ignoring the animal and rolling your eyes until it stops whining, you're sticking your pet in a blood pressure monitor that squeezes their body, which is supposed to soothe them in times of stress and fear.And if it's not enough that the Thundershirt is a symbol of laziness, it's also likely detrimental to your dog. As we've shown in the past, doing anything different during a bad situation, whether it be comforting, or running around like a maniac cursing God for the hell He hath wrought upon your humble abode, only serves to confuse your pet and reinforce their fears.So whether you stroke your pet while humming a lullaby, or simply slap a squeezy shirt on it, you're fucking the animal up. But at least the former shows you care.

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