
And so, when a worldwide Nielsen poll said less than 10 percent of people were willing to buy a 3D TV the following year, Disney took that as a sign to create a sports network specifically for 3D viewing in 2011, which is the same network that just called it quits because nobody was watching it. You didn't need 3D glasses to see that one coming.According to a recent poll, six out of 10 Americans no longer trust the media to deliver the news fairly or accurately. This certainly got the attention of management at Cracked, where after a heated discussion about whether or not we actually are the media , they decided it was important enough an issue to get to the bottom of.Widespread distrust of the media is a relatively recent development. When I was growing up, such was my family's respect for the news that I would be mercilessly beaten for daring to interrupt the evening newscast.

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