
We also hope that parents are teaching their children proper hand washing and hygiene so that germs and viruses don spread throughout the household as well.The Health District recommends 1/2 cup of bleach mixed with a gallon of water be used to wash down any area where anyone has been ill with vomiting or diarrhea, and that ill persons remain at home for at least 72 hours after the last symptoms of nausea, or diarrhea have subsided.I think in addition to sending out notices to the schools perhaps all area schools should send out a notification, relaxing the absence/tardy policy to allow parents to keep kids home for 3 days after symptoms subside seems to be in order.These days if you keep a kid home from school for a week without a note you will get a threatening letter from the school. Not all parents can or choose to take their kids to the doctor for every virus, so it makes sense that not all the kids contracting this will have a doctors note.I homeschool my kids now, but we used to use public schools and nothing is more frustrating than keeping home sick kids because other parents refuse to keep theirs home when they are sick. On top of it you then get a letter threatening to make your straight A student repeat a grade because they missed one too many days due to a stomach bug.

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