
Faced, she giggled happy in bed, he said he's not really joking. Wu Tianhua seeing hesitated, but eventually went to bed and she had had sexual relations.When done?solemnly Liu Jing Jing said: Little Jing Yeah, so we can no longer messing around, and you want to me today that this will not come to tease me, otherwise I will not give you money! Liu Jing Jing keen on the idea, but also in accordance with the requirements of Wu Tianhua write a guarantee to accept the guarantee , Wu Tianhua's heart finally settled down, Liu Jing Jing This time will keep his promise, he would not be home to tease himself.However, he eventually would like to be wrong. When she did not pocket money pocket, she was still on the door in every possible way to tease the old man until the other side vanquish so far.

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