
The condition is an enlargement of the veins inside the scrotum that transport oxygen depleted blood back to the heart. The valves in the veins have failed, and blood builds up where it shouldn't.Over the past several years, the internet has had a whirlwind romance with a number of different pop culture archetypes, we'll call them character memes. We've been through ninjas, cats with lacking grammatical skills.A typical character meme will get featured in thousands of viral videos, someone will figure out how to make money off of it, and the internet will declare that particular character meme lame. So what character will we snatch out of the ether and cannibalize next? After literally hours of Googling I've compiled the most likely candidates:Cowboy stories are as essentially American as pirates or ninjas and there have been just as many pulp novels about cowboys as there have been about robots.

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