but the Library of Congress has to do it first.Q

Lightbulb joke collection 29Q: How many Lacanians does it take to screw in a light bulb?A: Three-one to do it, one to desire it, and the ignorant Other.Note: Jacques Lacan (1901-82) was a prominent French psychoanalyst and theorist http://www.clintcrisher.com/activity/p/17875/ who is very influential with literary critics at the moment. This relates to his theories.)Q: wholesale nfl jerseys cheap How many blind people does it take to change a light bulb?A: It depends whether the switch is on or off. Q: How many blind people does it take to change a light bulb?A: If the switch is off, one. If the switch is on, any number, until one of them figures ugg uk out to turn it off.Q: How many deaf blind people does it take to change a lightbulb?A: Depends on whether or not you can get them to notice the darkness...Q: How many librarians does it take to screw in a light bulb?A: I don't know, but I can look it up for you.Q: How many cataloguers does it take to screw in a light bulb?A: One, but the Library of Congress has to do it first.Q: How many NBC news producers does it take to screw in a light bulb?A: Three, one http://le.cercle.icikonshop.gateway-dg.com/blog/view/2609/after-complete-kasherization to drill a hole in the light bulb so authentic nfl jerseys it blows up when he turns it on, one to http://www.abx.net/blog/view/806760/im-not-going-to-knock-the-android film it, and one to insist on the http://www.twtdesign.com/blog/bbpress/topic.php?id=2244629&replies=1#post- truth of the report despite the manipulation.Q: How many Supreme Court Justices does it take to screw in a light bulb?A: Nine-three to form a plurality, two to concur in part, two to dissent one to concur http://www.jaddogroup.com/showthread.php?p=90646#post90646 in part and dissent in part with the plurality opinion, and the last to concur with the dissenters in part.

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