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"I was interested in intellectual property law and, back then, the convergence between intellectual property, technology and media was just starting," says the Dubliner. "Moving to the San ugg australia outlet holland Francisco Bay area was just very appealing."Having taken the California Bar Association exam, job offers flowed. "Coming over here as a foreign lawyer was just no impediment at all," says Stanley. She accepted a ugg australia outlet holland role with specialist Silicon Valley based tech law firm Fenwick West. It's the company that incorporated Apple."We absolutely experienced those heady days," she recalls. "My husband was working in start ups back then and all of the things you read like the boardroom chairs being bean bags, with people sitting around in their shorts, was all absolutely true," says Stanley. "It was so exciting to be there then. But by 2001, the bubble was deflating apace."It came on fairly suddenly, I suppose, because we went from being insanely busy when we ugg australia outlet holland got here to being in a recession within a space of two years."Stanley and her husband however remained insulated."We absolutely noticed it around the external parts of our lives, but for both ugg australia outlet holland of us career wise, it didn't ugg australia outlet holland have an impact. Thank goodness. I always had a day's work to do and we were employed the whole ugg australia outlet holland time."Stanley has remained with Fenwick West. Since its inception in 1972, the firm has grown with the tech industry around it."My practice focuses on the crossover between media and technology companies," she says. "I represent video game development companies and social media companies, and I've had the opportunity to do some work on a movie."

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