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Detroit Close relatives recoil from each other smell, according to new research. Scientists think the aversion may be nature way of preventing incest between family members.Tiffany Czilli at Wayne State University, in Detroit, carriedout smell tests on 25 families with at least two children aged ugg boots - classic cardy - grey on sale six to 15. Participants were given T shirts and told to sleep in them for three nights, ugg boots - classic cardy - grey on sale wash only with the odourless soap provided, and seal the shirts in plastic bags each morning.The volunteers were then asked to sniff two T shirts one wornby a family member and one by an unknown and unrelated person. Both mothers and fathers ugg boots - classic cardy - grey on sale recognised their pre adolescent offspring, New Scientist magazine reported, though mothers tended to be more accurate.Children aged five to eight did not recognise their mother while older ugg boots - classic cardy - grey on sale children aged nine to 15 did. All the childrenrecognised their ugg boots - classic cardy - grey on sale father smell.The participants ugg boots - classic cardy - grey on sale were also asked which smells they liked.Surprisingly, they far preferred the smells of strangers to thoseof their own relatives.Czilli found that mothers especially disliked their children while children had a strong aversion to their father Scientist said: "She thinks that disliking the smell of

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