ugg outlet syracuse ny hihl

I am not keen on hugging, kissing or even shaking hands with people I do not know. and many of those that I DO know.I have a mild case of ugg outlet syracuse ny Obsessive Compulsive/germ phobia kinda thing going on. Actually its not germs so much but the violation of my PP (Personal Space).One does not have to be huggy/feely ugg outlet syracuse ny to wish others happy new years, we have mouths and language, I find that words are often good enough to convey the message.I usually smile nicely ugg outlet syracuse ny and say "no thanks" to offers of hugs, ugg outlet syracuse ny handshakes and the like. The Spousal Unit will giggle and explain that I have a PP problem and that its not just them, its everybody.Folk appear to understand, or at least accept this character defect that I choose to keep.Do you mind if I wish you all a ugg outlet syracuse ny happy new year eve? HAPPY NEW YEAR EVE EVERYONE!! Be safe.:) I logging off.:)There was a man that had a 3 hour car chase with the police this new year eve and then drove into a walmart and killed 6 people in my area. Did anything crazy happen in your town on new year eve?I really like this girl at school but shes two years below me, although only a year in age (she 14 and im ugg outlet syracuse ny 15 now) i think she likes me back but is it a bit weird.? i know my mates and people in my year will take the piss if i get with her as well.?

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